CLI Reference

AWS credentials need to be configured for commands that run against your AWS account.


Initialize the base configuration for a cluster ready for customization prior to deployment.

Flag Description Default
ami-id The AMI ID of CoreOS Container Linux to deploy The latest AMI for the Container Linux release channel specified in cluster.yaml
availability-zone The AWS availability-zone to deploy to. Note, this can be changed to multi AZ in cluster.yaml none
cluster-name The name of this cluster. This will be the name of the cloudformation stack none
external-dns-name The hostname that will route to the api server none
hosted-zone-id The hosted zone in which a Route53 record set for a k8s API endpoint is created none
key-name The AWS key-pair for SSH access to nodes none
kms-key-arn The ARN of the AWS KMS key for encrypting TLS assets
no-record-set Instruct kube-aws to not manage Route53 record sets for your K8S API false
region The AWS region to deploy to none
s3-uri When your template is bigger than the CloudFormation limit of 51,200 bytes, kube-aws needs to upload the template to S3 to perform the deploy/validate. The S3 location expressed as s3://<bucket>/path/to/dir. Most clusters will need this so it is mandatory. Multiple clusters can use the same S3 bucket. none

init example

$ kube-aws init \
  --cluster-name=my-cluster \
  --region=us-west-1 \
  --availability-zone=us-west-1c \
  --hosted-zone-id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ \
  --key-name=key-pair-name \

render credentials

Render TLS credentials required for cluster administration and communication between cluster nodes.

Flag Description Default
ca-cert-path Path to pem-encoded CA x509 certificate ./credentials/ca.pem
ca-key-path Path to pem-encoded CA RSA key ./credentials/ca-key.pem
generate-ca If generating credentials, generate root CA key and cert. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PRODUCTION USE, use -ca-key-path and -ca-cert-path options to provide your own certificate authority assets. false

render credentials example

$ kube-aws render credentials \

render stack

Render CloudFormation stack templates and coreos-cloudinit userdata ready for customization prior to deployment.

render stack has no CLI flags.

render stack example

$ kube-aws render stack

show certificates

Shows info about every certificate stored in credentials directory

show certificates has no CLI flags.

$ kube-aws show certificates


Validate cluster assets prior to deployment.

Flag Description Default
aws-debug Log debug information coming from the AWS SDK library false

validate example

$ kube-aws validate


Deploy a new Kubernetes cluster.

Flag Description Default
aws-debug Log debug information coming from the AWS SDK library false
export Do not create cluster, instead export the CloudFormation stack file false
pretty-print Pretty print the resulting CloudFormation false
skip-wait Do not wait for the cluster components be ready before the CLI exits false

up example

$ kube-aws up


Update an existing Kubernetes cluster that was created by kube-aws.

Flag Description Default
aws-debug Log debug information coming from the AWS SDK library false
pretty-print Pretty print the resulting CloudFormation false
skip-wait Do not wait for the cluster components be ready before the CLI exits false

update example

$ kube-aws update


Destroy an existing Kubernetes cluster that was created by kube-aws.

Flag Description Default
aws-debug Log debug information coming from the AWS SDK library false

destroy example

$ kube-aws destory

results matching ""

    No results matching ""